Where does Walls save images?

Images are saved to your Pictures Folder in Walls

The Wallpaper images that are actually set as your Desktop Background are saved into Generated

Please note that you always can delete the Generated folder if needed. The images in it will always be recreated if needed.

Where is the layout and setup information for an Image saved?

Every Image can have it’s own monitor layout and adjustments. This data is saved in the local app settings.

Please note that if you rename an image outside of Walls you will lose this information

Real Time update is sometimes slow

Walls is heavily optimized for fast image processing and uses all your processors. But images spanning multiple monitors are usually large. Walls does all your adjustments on the fly and does not touch the original image. The slowest operation by far is Image Rotation. So updates can get slow while adjusting Rotation depending on your Machine. But walls will cache the rotation and subsequent adjustments should be fast again.

Walls uses a lot of memory

Huge images use lots of memory, there is no way around it. So if you adjust your 40 mega pixel multi monitor wallpaper, Walls will need some memory. But the moment you minimize it to the Taskbar (like for putting it in slideshow mode), Walls will free up all the memory except essentials to keep it running.

Supported Search Engines

Walls supports the following Image Searches

The Search Engines have various support for special keywords:

Please note that different search engines have varying support for keywords like Width and Height

My Monitor Setup has Changed

If you’ve removed a monitor or added a new on, just adapt one of your images to the new layout. If you open another one after that, Walls usually copies the newer and more accurate over.

Alternatively you can just click on a Monitor and press Ctrl-C to copy this monitor setup to the clipboard. You can paste this setup with Ctrl-V either into a new image or just put it into a text file for later use.